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This is a great place to learn about our beautiful college. Have a look around the website to learn about the college and get yourself acclimatized even before reaching the campus. The website has multiple pages describing the college life, various clubs, cells & committees and many other aspects of IIFT. You can also find links to our social media channels to know more about the college. Also, there will be regular announcements on this page, so please make sure that you check this page once in a while.

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Presenting a Brand new Website
The Media Committee at IIFT Kolkata (Batch 2019-21) is proud to present a brand new website: IIFT Kolkata Reflections. This website will act as a link between the college and the converts during the pre-induction phase. We will be posting all the relevant material on the website so that the new students are able to access it easily. Stay tuned for more updates. Thanks!