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Image by Daria Nepriakhina


The Entrepreneurship Cell at IIFT Kolkata

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  • The Entrepreneurship Cell aims to provide a conduit by which students can access entrepreneurial resources, network with successful entrepreneurs, and share ideas.

  • Our focus is on providing the IIFT’s student community with outstanding opportunities to develop individual entrepreneurial experiences. 

  • The cell focuses on encouraging and fostering entrepreneurship among the students. 

  • To provide practical learning opportunities and facilitate interaction with experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, and venture capitalists to gain insight and inspiration.



  1. Annual Entrepreneurship Summit: E-cell conducts an annual Entrepreneurship summit as a part of Vivaan where eminent CXO level leaders of the industry share their experiences with the students and motivate the students to take up entrepreneurship as a career.

  2. Incubate A national-level case study competition in collaboration with Zuperly as part of Vivaan.

  3. Case Study competition: A national-level case study competition as part of Runneeti. | July 2022




  1. The E cell plans to work towards getting IIFT Kolkata its very own Accelerator.

  2. Start-up-Bytes: We also plan to keep our followers updated regarding the happenings of the start-up world, hence we launched this new Social Media campaign

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Meet the Team

Senior Cell Coordinators

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Sagrika Mahajan

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Aditi Agarwal

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The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it

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Sasidhar Amarthaluri

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I don't bet on odds ; I bet on me

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